21st December 2024

Search Narborough Parish Council

Narborough Parish Council Serving the villages of Narborough & Littlethorpe

Who we are & what we do

Narborough Parish Council came into existence in 1895 and is responsible for the villages of Narborough and Littlethorpe. The Parish Council's offices are at The Parish Centre, Desford Road, Narborough, Leicester

The Parish Council's responsibilities include parks and open spaces, cemetery and closed churchyard, sports and recreation grounds, parish halls, and allotments.

Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the third Tuesday of every month at the Parish Centre in Narborough. The Annual Parish Meeting takes place prior to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, which is held on the third Tuesday in May at the Parish Centre.

Working Groups

A Policy & Finance Working Group and a Planning & Environment Working Group will be maintained at all times. Other Working Groups will be formed as considered necessary.

The functions of each Working Group shall be to:

(i) consider, research and formulate advice and proposals for recommendation to the Council

(ii) consider and make recommendations each year for the compilation of the following year's budget

(iii) carry out the functions of the Council where appropriate to the subject area of the Working Group and as delegated by the Council

(iv) incur expenditure from within the appropriate budget but only when specifically delegated by the Council to do so

Otherwise the functions of all Working Groups are purely advisory and they may act only within specific delegated powers, determined from time to time by the Council.

The organisational arrangements of each Working Group are in the hands of its Lead Member who shall lead the activities of the Group, organise the arrangements of its meetings and make verbal and/or written reports to the Council as necessary.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council shall be, ex-officio, members of each Working Group

The Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer may, as necessary or as requested, supply information to Working Groups via their Lead Members.

Julie Whitehouse

Parish Clerk

0116 2863008

Julia Swan

Deputy Clerk

0116 2863008

Staff Organisation Chart

Last updated: Mon, 02 Sep 2024 16:02