BLUE ROUTE 3.8km (4,990 steps)
If you are starting the walk, we suggest you load common information from its QR code. If you have completed the route as far as the top of the Black Pad and are continuing on the blue route, then please walk down the hill.
After about 200m you will see a new housing estate on your right along Bradgate Close. The houses here have been built on the site of the old Carlton Hayes Outpatient clinic and the varied style of the houses echoes the Georgian origins of much of the older properties in the village itself. You might like to take a moment to look at how well this has been done and the style fits the environment in comparison to some other new housing.
Continue down to the bend and, instead of following it down, take the footpath beyond the bus stop to the corner and turn right up Copt Oak Road. Walk 370m to the end of the road where there is a turning circle outside Red Hill Field Primary School.
As a nicer alternative, just past the turn into Bradgate Close, take the footpath through the trees. Carry on down through the estate until you reach the last house at the bottom on the bend and you will find a small cut through path to Copt Oak Road. Turn right at this point and walk up to Red Hill Field School.
Ahead of you is a steel gate with a pedestrian side access. Go through it and then walk up the path 140metres to where the shopping precinct and Copt Oak Pub appear on your left and a children's playground on your right. Continue a further 70 metres to Hardwicke Road. Cross the road and you will find that Copt Oak Road continues. Carry on to the railway bridge (270m). Some steps have been constructed on the other side to the right and these will give you access up to Whistle Way*.
Walk southwards down Whistle Way for 1.1km when you will reach the main road via a path branching to the right. Turn left towards Narborough to the Honda garage and then walk a further 180m to the pedestrian crossing and go over to the Pinnacle flats with the unusual roof.
*Whistle Way is the route of a branch line that came off the existing Railway line south of Narborough carrying granite from Enderby Quarry. The line opened in 1890. There were three team engines on the line called Gwen, Trottie and Jessie. The line was closed in the 1960s but the rails stayed in place being taken up as recently as 1984. Whistle Way is now an attractive walk and known for its wildlife.
At this point, we suggest you switch back to the common path description using the first QR code. This takes you back to your starting point at the top of Station Road.